Monday, February 05, 2007

Sin is Not Rational

How can this be applied to a struggling addict? Adultery introduces more personal language for addicts. They indulge in a secret life that will eventually be exposed, either immediately or in eternity. Deception is commonplace. People are unfaithful to their spouses and enter into a relationship with their beloved. Why do they do it, especially when it could result in such pain for themselves and others? They do it because they love the pleasure and the fawning attention of the other person. They do it because they love their desires above all else. They do it because they feel like they need it. The relationship becomes their life…It all seems so foolish. Yet there will be no satisfactory answer. Sin is not rational. It doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t look into the future. It doesn’t consider consequences, especially if they are not immediate. All it knows is “I WANT—I WANT MORE.”
Welch, p. 57.

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