Friday, February 02, 2007

Faith is a Funny Thing

Faith is a funny thing. It doesn’t do anything, but you do things based on faith. For example, you are probably reading this while sitting in a chair. But why is that? Why, before you sat down, did you trust that the chair wouldn’t collapse in a heap with you in the middle of it when you sat down? I would submit that you probably trusted the structural integrity of the chair because you’ve sat in it many many times. Or perhaps if it is a new chair, right from the factory, you trusted the person who brought it to you, or perhaps you trusted the maker. Whatever the case, you are sitting in the chair because you believed that it would hold you up and that it wouldn’t let you fall to the floor.

That belief, that trust is what faith is. You had faith that your chair would hold you up and there you sit. But what is actually holding you up? The faith or the chair? I would submit that it would be sort of silly to say that it is your faith that is protecting you from splatness. So the chair is holding you up.

But you are sitting on the chair because you have faith. Faith, trust, belief causes you to have the confidence to let the chair have the chance to hold you. But it isn’t the faith that puts you in the chair in the first place. You choose to sit, based on your belief. Again faith doesn’t actually do anything.

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