Thursday, April 06, 2006

Quote of the Day

For many depressed people, desire, indeed, has grown into demand that feels like need. They do not believe that God can be trusted in their life, and so they have turned to other people for safety and security. The way out for them is to confess that they have been busy needing other people for their own faithless purposes. They can instead seek to love other people out of the love and security they enjoy in Christ, in a desire to glorify him. Then, instead of defining themselves exclusively as needy, they can practice one of the dominant shapes that God gives us: we are servants of the Most High God who are called to love more than need.
[Adapted from Edward T. Welch, When People Are Big (Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing, 1999), p. 69]


Valerie (Kyriosity) said...

"they can practice one of the dominant shapes that God gives us"

Mikel L. Lawyer said...

Thank you Valerie. You proof and you proof and you still get typos.

Valerie (Kyriosity) said...

Providential typo...made me go pick up the book!

Mikel L. Lawyer said...

Well there you go.