Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Study Questions for Exodus 14

Study Questions for Exodus 14

v. 1—How talked to whom?

v. 2—What is Moses to tell the people to do?

Where are they to go?

v. 3—What will Pharaoh think when he sees the people going back and toward the sea?

How will he know what they are doing?

v. 4—What will God do to Pharaoh’s heart?

Why do you suppose he is going to do that?

How will God get glory by hardening Pharaoh’s heart? Rom. 9:22-23

And what did the people do?

Army = Strength, might, efficiency, wealth. Different word than we’ve had before.

Vss. 5-8

v. 5—How did the Pharaoh find out that the people had moved?

What had been the take on what they were doing?

What happened when the Israelites changed directions?

Why does the text say they “fled”?

How did the thinking of the Egyptians change?

v. 6—What did they do as reaction to their change of mind?

Army = people, am.

Where did he get the horses? 9:20

v. 7—How many people did they take to bring the Israelites back to Egypt? ?

v. 8—How can we tell that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart? Besides that the text says he did?

What attitude did the Israelites have? Boldly, triumphantly, exultantly, victoriously

Literally a high hand = Num. 33:3; Deut 32:27; Micah 5:9; Psa. 89:13

Vss. 9-18

v. 9—What was the result of the army of Egypt chasing after the Israelites?

Where were the people encamped when the Egyptians showed up?

Why didn’t the Egyptians just round them all up and take them back?

v. 10—When did the Israelites realize that the Egyptian army was coming after them?

What was their reaction to learning about this information?

What did they do in response to their feelings of fear? Did they discuss their feelings?

v. 11—Why, if is says the cried out to the Lord, did they say it to Moses?

What did they say to Moses about the situation?

What are their main concerns?

It is interesting that even though they were terrified they still cried out to the Lordà Psa. 34:17; 107:6

Egypt was full of tombs, they focused a lot on and the preparation for .

Israel has a sort of habit of complaining. Cf. 15:24; 16:3; 17:2; 32:1

v. 12—What did they claim they had wanted to do while they were still in Egypt? 5:21?

Did the text say anywhere that they didn’t want to leave Egypt?

Why didn’t God leave them to do what they had wanted to do all along?

Which would be better to serve the Egyptians or to die in the wilderness all alone?

Is there a third choice?

Stress shows your true god, allegiances, What you do when confronted with stress or depression shows, reveals your true relationship to God and to sin.

v. 13—What did Moses say to the people? “Oh, yeah, you’re right. So sorry, won’t happen again.”

How can a guy command someone to “fear not”?

How can a feeling be changed like that?

What are the people supposed to do other than fear?

What does it mean to “stand firm”?

Besides not fearing and standing firm, what are they to do?

What does “salvation” mean in this context? Deliverance cf. niv Gen 49:18

What did Moses say about the Egyptians they are seeing all lined up against them?

v. 14—Who is going to fight off all those charging Egyptians in the strongest and largest army in the world?

How is God going to fight against the Egyptians?

What are the Israelites supposed to do to help in the battle? But you don’t understand, they are huge, there’s a lot of them, no one has ever been able to beat them in a battle, we’ve tried for years to rid ourselves of those guys…

Just stand and watch quietly.

In the nations of the whole earth their gods are said to fight for them. War was a sacred undertaking (cf. Islam today). Num. 21:14; 1 Sam 17:45; Zeph. 3:17

v. 15—What did the Lord say to Moses?

Why did he ask about why they are crying to him? Who else would they cry to? The ‘You’ is singular.

I guess they didn’t need to fear.

What did he tell the Israelites to do?

Remember where they are? What is in front of them? Where will they end up if they go forward?

v. 16—What does God tell Moses to do with his staff?

How was he supposed to divide the sea?

How much sea was going to be divided?

How were they supposed to go across through all that mud?

What actually parted the sea?

Prob. 3:20; psa. 65:7; 89:9

v. 17—What was God going to do to the Egyptians? What would the result of their hardening be?

What will God get by the Egyptians following the Israelites into the dry sea bed?

How will God get this glory?

What is the difference between the soft hearted Israelites and the hard hearted Egyptians? Both went across the dry sea bed? One did it out of respect and obedience, the other out of defiance and hatred for God and his desires.

v. 18—What would be the result with regard to the Egyptians?

How was God going to get glory over the Pharaoh and the armies?

Vss. 19-20

v. 19—What happened when the people went to the Red Sea?

What did it mean that the pillar of cloud went behind them?

v. 20—Besides behind them where did the cloud go?

What does it mean by darkness? Obscurity, the Egyptians couldn’t see anything—fog

What happened at night?

Vss. 21-22

v. 21—What did Moses do?

What did God do?

What did the people do?

How did God separate the water from the water? Have we ever seen the water being separated before? Gen. 1:4

What do you think it looked like?

v. 22—What did the people do once the water was separated?

What about the mud?

Vss. 23-25

v. 23—What did the Egyptian army do?

How far behind were they? How do you know?

v. 24—What did God do when the Egyptian army went into the sea bed?

What did he do about their entry?

What happened on a personal level from the perspective of the army? Do you think they said something like, “Hey, I’m panicked. I think I’ll attack my fellow soldier.”?

For why they panicked see Psa 77:17-18 and of course the next verse.

v. 25—What clogged their wheels? Red Sea in Hebrew means sea of reeds

What was the result of their clogged wheels?

What did the Egyptians do as a result of their chariots being bogged down?

Who got the glory for their new problems?

Who was fighting against them on behalf of Israel?

Vss. 26-27

v. 26—What did God tell Moses to do?

What was the result of closing the waters back together?

Was that a good thing?

Who was really in control here?

v. 27—What did Moses do in response to God’s command?

If you had been there, would you have ever, in your wildest imagination ever questioned God or disobeyed him instantly?

What happened when the see closed?

When did this happen? Psa 46:5; Psa 30:5; Isa 58:8; Luke 24:1

Vss. 28-29

v. 28—How many Egyptians made it out of the water?

v. 29—What happened to the Israelites?

Why do you suppose they mention it all again?

Vss. 30-31

v. 30—What did the Lord do that day?

How did the Israelites know that it wasn’t just all a dream?

v. 31—What happened when the Israelites saw what God did to the Egyptians?

What did God use against the Egyptians to beat them?

What does it mean to “fear God”? Same word as 14:10

What does it mean to believe in him?

What does Moses have to do with it all?

Servant of the Lord—Josh 1:1-2; David-2 Sam. 3:18; Elijah-2:kings 9:36; Jesus-Isa. 42:1-7

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