Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Morning Prayer

Luke 11:3 Give us each day our daily bread.

O Lord! You are a gracious God, remembering your people for many generations and hearing the prayers of your people especially those in need.

We thank you for remembering us when we call on you for our daily bread. We live in a place where we are often tempted to forget that you are the one who provides more than we could ever wish or desire. You have placed us in a beautiful land, full of abundant resources and gifts. We are very grateful.

We come to you now, asking for even more because we know you delight to give good gifts to your children. Your word says, “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.” And so we ask that you would bless our nation by guiding and directing our supreme court to do your will. —even though they might not know they are doing it.

We also ask that you would do the same with our state and local authorities. Please bless them and direct their steps so that we might have cultural stability and peace.
Father, we thank you for how you have stymied our enemies at every turn. But Father none of them have been won to our side. We pray that you would change their hearts, make them friends, bless them with all the goodness that you are able to give to them. Most of them hate us because we love you and consequently they are working hard to destroy us. But we know that in hating us they really hate you, and so we ask that you would rise up and destroy your enemies; primarily by making them your children, and secondarily by whatever means you deem appropriate for people who refuse to submit to you.

While we wait for you to act, we pray that we would take advantage of the current situation to live such lives in front of our co-workers and neighbors that they would want to know the one who has made us into such winsome and holy people. We pray that you would open the eyes of those who don’t know you and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to your own wonderful kingdom. Yes Lord, we pray for revival in our community and that Reformation would also spread across your church. And we pray that it would begin with us, that we might bring glory and honor to your name.

Finally father, we ask that you would give patience, diligence, and your peace to the parents of our church as they work diligently to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Our families desire to raise Godly offspring for your name’s sake and so we ask that you would give us grace to do it effectively.

In Jesus’ name we ask these things,


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