Thursday, December 23, 2010

It Often Depends On How You Get There

How we come to a situation often determines how we understand what we are looking at. Here are a couple of examples of what I am talking about. I first noticed this phenomenon when chatting with a young woman in our church about her ancestors. She was an American Indian and when we asked her where her people came from said they had always been there and that the Great Spirit had put her people where they have lived ever since their creation. The context of the talk was about Indians and her history. The interesting thing about this response was that the young lady was one of the pillars of our church and just the week before we had been discussing Genesis 10, the tower of Babel. At that time she was right on board with the fact that God created Adam and Eve, Noah and his family made it through the flood, and her people more than likely came to the American continent through some sort of migration. Even the comment about the Great Spirit was incongruous with her understanding about God.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Life, Glory, Death

Men are in rebellion against God. Our rebellion began in Adam, progresses through Adam’s offspring, appears in our hearts, and comes out our fingertips. All a person needs to illustrate his sinfulness is time and opportunity. As soon as a person is old enough and powerful (strength and ability) enough, he will naturally sin.

Another Proof of God's Existence

God created man in his own image. This means that most of the way man is is very much like the way God is. Man knows right from wrong. He knows good from bad. He knows just from unjust. He knows about forgiveness, and confession. He knows that it is wrong to steal and murder and covet other people’s stuff. Men know these things because God created them that way. When they look in the mirror, they see themselves, but they also see a reflection of God peering back at them. Men know God exists because they see the creator reflected in themselves.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Thrill Now? Thrill Then?

When you have done what God asks, for the right reasons, the outcome is that you will feel victorious and joyful. If, after being obedient, you still feel like you would have rather done the sinful thing, you need to go back to God and confess not being satisfied with his grace and provision. Not being satisfied in what he has given is a form of grumbling and that's its own sin.

Feelings are important. They often tell us what our hearts are really lusting after. If we lust after God, we're doing well and he will satisfy our lusts filling us with joy. If we lust after sin we will feel ugly and dirty. So, how do you feel? If you want joy, long lasting and eternal joy, then walk with God. If you want the cheap, short lived, though very strong thrill that masquerades as joy, then sin. But know that God provides emotions for both choices we make. And he won't chase us around forever.
It is interesting that we don't get the same thrill before being obedient that we get while flirting with sin, but it is just the opposite after we've either obeyed or fallen to sin. I guess the question then is, do you want the thrill after the act or before the act? Which one pleases God and builds you, your family, your culture, and your world? Which one destroys you, your family, your culture, and your world?