Thursday, December 04, 2008

God Cannot Tempt Us...And Yet


Question: James 1:13 says that God does not tempt anyone. In Matthew 6:13, Jesus tells us to pray that the Father does not lead us into
temptation. If God does not tempt anyone, why did Jesus tell us to pray that the Father doesn't lead us into temptation?

Wow. Tough question.

I think the answer lies in the fact that the word actually means testing rather than tempting. Of course tempting is correct when we view the test as one that we were to fail would be indicated by our sinning. Still God does test his saints (e.g. Gen 22:1), the goal being successful completion of the test, though he does not tempt them (Jas. 1:13). The difference would be that God's desire is for the one being tested to come through with a completion of the test rather than to fail the test.

So, God could lead a person into testing, which we should accept with rejoicing (Jas. 1:2), because it produces godliness in us. At the same time we should pray that God not lead us into temptation because we are weak and don't want to fail the test. On another hand we know that when tempted God will always give us a way of escape so that we don't have to sin (1 Cor. 3:10:13).

It is similar to when Jesus tells his disciples to rejoice in being persecuted (Mt. 5:10-12) and at the same time he tells them to flee persecution (Mt. 10:23). We rejoice if it comes to us and is unavoidable, but we avoid it if we can.

It's all about relationship and covenant. God wants us to walk with him in every way, with every aspect of our lives devoted to him and his service. With respect to our being tested and proved, he constantly gives us opportunity to choose him over our own desires. Because he loves us, he never wants to see us fall, thus he never tempts us. But he does want to see us worship him by laying down our lives and choosing him over our own desires and those opportunities for service are called testing.

I hope this makes sense.


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