Monday, March 19, 2007

Communion Meditation

We are the people of God. Jesus died to make it so. He died so that we might die and he rose from the dead so that we might have new life. If you are here this morning and you believe the Good News about Jesus and his salvation. And if you have been baptized in accord with his word, I invite you to feel free to eat this meal with us. If you are not a follower of the Lord Jesus we ask that as the plates are passed around that you would simply let it go by and pray, asking that God would reveal himself to you in all his majesty and power. Ask that he would grant you repentance and draw you to himself.

If you are here this morning, rejoicing in your salvation I offer the fruit of this table to you in joy and gladness. God is a gracious God. He knows you, he hears you, he sees you and he invites you to come and share in the eating of this bread and the drinking of this wine.

This table is more than simply bread and wine. It is also much more than a simple memorial and representation of Jesus’ death on our behalf. When we break the bread we symbolize the breaking of the body of Christ on our behalf. When we drink the wine we participate in the out pouring of Jesus blood on our behalf. There is a mystery here that I don’t understand. We are the body of Christ eating and drinking the body of Christ. We are the one loaf eating and drinking the one loaf. We are the people of God eating the son of God. We are eating bread and drinking wine, but God is nourishing us with spiritual life as we do it.

Let us eat together.

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